Van Hessen Forever
Why do employees choose to join van Hessen and then decide to stay?
Van Hessen Forever
Nothing lasts forever, but when people decide to stay with one employer for the better part of their career, it does create a happily-ever-after feeling. In a world where people job-shop and job-hop, it is special to see, time and again, that employees of Van Hessen choose to stay. We asked a few employees who haven’t been working with Van Hessen for very long why they chose to join Van Hessen and how the journey has been so far. How do they experience passion in this company, and what is the difference with other employers they’ve worked for? Again and again, it is the excellent coaching and supervision that inspires people to give their best.
Jason Ji
I started with Van Hessen Shanghai nine months ago. In the Planning & Control department, I am responsible for managing the raw material purchase orders and contracts. I need to make sure that they meet the requirements and are fulfilled on time. I provide administrative support for the purchasers and suppliers and make sure that shipping information is correct. My reason for joining Van Hessen was that it is an international company which allows me to learn new things. Once I joined, I realized I strongly identify with the company culture, so I hope to be working with Van Hessen for a long time. This is a good place to be. The team consists of nice people that I love to work with. In my opinion, Van Hessen wins because people truly matter in this company. I would even say that as we work together as a team, we are friends rather than colleagues. It’s one big family. I’m grateful for the help I got from my guide, Phoebe Bai, when I started. My current manager Tina Sun and my supervisor Bonnie Hu teach me a lot about casings. Because of the good relationships among the co-workers, there is a lot of enthusiasm and energy to give the best of yourself. And it shows in our products and service.
Fidel Guillen
I have been with Van Hessen Chicago as an Assistant Team Lead for one year now. Van Hessen is literally one block away from where I live in South Central Chicago. I grew up in this neighborhood. I got the chance to work here, and I consider myself lucky that I can avoid traffic and just walk to work and back home every day. With prior experience in production, of which almost four years in meat processing, I was accepted for the job. Let me tell you, my journey here is going great. There are people who have been working here for thirty years and I can see myself following in their footsteps. The reason is simple. There is a lot of passion in the people here and besides, I love working with casings, processing, checking, and salting them. I even love the smell. In my opinion, Van Hessen wins the game by showing love and care for its people. That’s why they stay, and that’s why we in Production automatically give it our best. Since I’m a part of the company, I’m personally interested in making customers completely satisfied. This means, for instance, making sure that casks meet the highest standards of hygiene.
Rhys Thomas
I’ve been working for Van Hessen UK in a gutroom in Preston, Hull, for 2.5 years now. Some say it’s the best gutroom in the whole of England. I worked in a greenhouse when I heard about Van Hessen and made a mental note since people told me they provide great pay. I joined as soon as an opening became available. Initially, the smell in the gutroom was a bit off-putting, but now it doesn’t bother me. You get used to it. It’s been a great journey so far, and I really enjoy having plenty of positive people around. I felt welcome in the team from day one, and they made every effort to train me well, so together we can make the best product in our industry. During the training, my managers pushed me to make a 100% effort. They, for their part, gave it everything as well, and that motivated me. My managers not only want me to work well, but they also want me to think. I actively participate in thinking of ways to do things more efficiently. The only reason I’d leave is if I had to move with my family. I want to become one of the managers here. You start at the bottom but get every opportunity to grow.
Bruna Jummes
Having worked for Van Hessen Brazil for two years now, I am mainly responsible for quality control, analyzing returns and customer complaints and providing answers. I also maintain contact with suppliers, assist government audits, and help with the implementation of new regulations. For me, as a food scientist, it was a no-brainer to join the company when the job opportunity was there. We don’t have many industries in this sector, and so I jumped on the opportunity to work for an internationally renowned food company. It’s a dream come true that I get to gain a lot of experience in my own area of expertise. I have plenty of opportunity to learn and grow and can develop my own career path at Van Hessen. When I joined Van Hessen, however, I also noticed how the company values its employees. It’s different than other companies. The way my employers treat me makes me want to stay longer with Van Hessen. So, I’m grateful to the company for the opportunity to work here. I’m especially grateful to my supervisor for training and supporting me. There’s a lot of trust which motivates me to pursue my path at Van Hessen and face the daily challenges at work.